OK, now that I have your attention, I am going to drop some knowledge on you. Like most people, by Wednesday I am looking forward to the weekend and the brain turns to things less intellectual and more fun. So Wednesdays can be kind of scattered for me.
I’m decompressing from so many books and need to shed some weird random thoughts from my brain.

Like this picture. It was stuck in my head and I needed to get it out. Another thing that chapped my hide this week. Stupid heroines and plots that hinge on the heroine being stupid or not listening. I was reading a book from one of my FAVORITE authors, who I will not name. It was the third book in her series that I absolutely love, and I was digging it and doing my thing when what happens….. the heroine becomes a moron. Why??? I know morons need love and sex, but I do NOT want to read about it. Maybe that could become a subgenre, you know, Romance for Idiots or some such.
Just so people don’t think I’m being mean, I don’t expect the woman to able to calculate the square root of pi to the 16th decimal place. I do expect her to listen when someone who saved her butt tells her “ See that guy across the street? He works for the bad guys. STAY AWAY FROM HIM!” and the first opportunity she has, what does she do? She goes across the street to make nice with said bad guy. It’s called thinning of the herd and nature culls the herd so the terminally stupid don’t breed. Do NOT mess with Mother Nature.