Publisher: Dell Publishing
Published: 9/04/01
Buy link: Buy here
Seriously?? I could just stare at this cover for hours. The pages could be blank or written in upside down Sanskrit and it would still be one of my favorite books simply due to the visual impact of the cover. I don’t need to know anything else about any of the characters in this book because this is the most perfect mouth ever created. That bottom lip was made to be bitten. If the plot or the heroine starts to stand on a nerve, I just look at the cover and it all goes away. I love the fact that the photographer focused on one arresting feature to make this cover. I think if the entire face had been used it would have lost part of the gut punch for the viewer. ( not that the entire face wasn’t cover worthy, I’m sure it was very handsome) I also love the fact that even though the lips are completely edible and luscious, they can not be construed in any manner as feminine. Those are totally hot man lips. I also liked the fact that he’s not trying to pose the lips, no tongue peek or coy little nip of the teeth, just dead on take me as I am sexy.